awwww yeah....

when i am at home, my friends and i go hiking, biking, and just your typical exploring......we have discovered many intersting places in the downers grove are some of the more memorable ones.....


hell.....yes, you all thought that hell was deep under the earth, well, you were wrong! hell is in the middle of dg!!! naw....hell is actually this really cool place that has all these wrecked cars and this old man that lives in a shack and only has one tooth....if there ever was a hell on earth, it would look like this place....


tracks.....this is a place with a whole bunch of abandoned train cars, including the old caboose that looks like it is a haven for bums, but we have yet to find any there....the surrounding area is full of old quarys and your general fun stuff to explore.....


nature place.....take lemont road south for about 20 minutes, and you come to the nature place, a fun place to just drive around and enjoy the night sky....the road is pretty much deserted, and is surrounded by trees that reach up to form a translucent canopy over you head....very nice


