my crazy friends...

these are not all of my friends, they are just the ones that have web pages if you are my friend and have a web page that i don't know about, e-mail me and let me know so i can put it up!

here they are........

Claire....the colorado woman champaign roomate
Colleen....the crazy redhead
Alan.....katie holmes' boy.......
Daryl...uncle pits
wammy jammy!!!!!

some of these web pages are good, and others.....well, some of the others are as i like to say, "special" in.......well, you will see what i mean....

if you want to be on my friends page, just e-mail me your URL....and i will put it up ASAP.....just make sure that i know who you have talked to you in person a lot or we are IM hells yeah!

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